[−][src]Crate tracing
A scoped, structured logging and diagnostics system.
is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect
structured, event-based diagnostic information.
In asynchronous systems like Tokio, interpreting traditional log messages can
often be quite challenging. Since individual tasks are multiplexed on the same
thread, associated events and log lines are intermixed making it difficult to
trace the logic flow. tracing
expands upon logging-style diagnostics by
allowing libraries and applications to record structured events with additional
information about temporality and causality — unlike a log message, a span
in tracing
has a beginning and end time, may be entered and exited by the
flow of execution, and may exist within a nested tree of similar spans. In
addition, tracing
spans are structured, with the ability to record typed
data as well as textual messages.
The tracing
crate provides the APIs necessary for instrumenting libraries
and applications to emit trace data.
Core Concepts
The core of tracing
's API is composed of spans, events and
subscribers. We'll cover these in turn.
To record the flow of execution through a program, tracing
introduces the
concept of spans. Unlike a log line that represents a moment in
time, a span represents a period of time with a beginning and an end. When a
program begins executing in a context or performing a unit of work, it
enters that context's span, and when it stops executing in that context,
it exits the span. The span in which a thread is currently executing is
referred to as that thread's current span.
For example:
use tracing::{span, Level}; let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span"); // `enter` returns a RAII guard which, when dropped, exits the span. this // indicates that we are in the span for the current lexical scope. let _enter = span.enter(); // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...
The span
module's documentation provides further details on how to
use spans.
An Event
represents a moment in time. It signifies something that
happened while a trace was being recorded. Event
s are comparable to the log
records emitted by unstructured logging code, but unlike a typical log line,
an Event
may occur within the context of a span.
For example:
use tracing::{event, span, Level}; // records an event outside of any span context: event!(Level::INFO, "something happened"); let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span"); let _guard = span.enter(); // records an event within "my_span". event!(Level::DEBUG, "something happened inside my_span");
In general, events should be used to represent points in time within a span — a request returned with a given status code, n new items were taken from a queue, and so on.
The Event
struct documentation provides further details on using
As Span
s and Event
s occur, they are recorded or aggregated by
implementations of the Subscriber
trait. Subscriber
s are notified
when an Event
takes place and when a Span
is entered or exited. These
notifications are represented by the following Subscriber
trait methods:
, called when anEvent
takes place,enter
, called when execution enters aSpan
, called when execution exits aSpan
In addition, subscribers may implement the enabled
function to filter
the notifications they receive based on metadata describing each Span
or Event
. If a call to Subscriber::enabled
returns false
for a given
set of metadata, that Subscriber
will not be notified about the
corresponding Span
or Event
. For performance reasons, if no currently
active subscribers express interest in a given set of metadata by returning
, then the corresponding Span
or Event
will never be constructed.
First, add this to your Cargo.toml
tracing = "0.1"
Compiler support: requires rustc 1.39+
Recording Spans and Events
Spans and events are recorded using macros.
The span!
macro expands to a Span
struct which is used to
record a span. The [Span::enter
] method on that struct records that the
span has been entered, and returns a RAII guard object, which will exit
the span when dropped.
For example:
use tracing::{span, Level}; // Construct a new span named "my span" with trace log level. let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my span"); // Enter the span, returning a guard object. let _enter = span.enter(); // Any trace events that occur before the guard is dropped will occur // within the span. // Dropping the guard will exit the span.
The #[instrument]
attribute provides an easy way to
add tracing
spans to functions. A function annotated with #[instrument]
will create and enter a span with that function's name every time the
function is called, with arguments to that function will be recorded as
fields using fmt::Debug
For example:
use tracing::{Level, event, instrument}; #[instrument] pub fn my_function(my_arg: usize) { // This event will be recorded inside a span named `my_function` with the // field `my_arg`. event!(Level::INFO, "inside my_function!"); // ... }
Note: using #[instrument]
on async fn
s requires the
crate as a dependency, as well.
You can find more examples showing how to use this crate here.
s are recorded using the event!
use tracing::{event, Level}; event!(Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
Using the Macros
The span!
and event!
macros use fairly similar syntax, with some
Configuring Attributes
Both macros require a Level
specifying the verbosity of the span or
event. Optionally, the target and parent span may be overridden. If the
target and parent span are not overridden, they will default to the
module path where the macro was invoked and the current span (as determined
by the subscriber), respectively.
For example:
span!(target: "app_spans", Level::TRACE, "my span"); event!(target: "app_events", Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my span"); event!(parent: &span, Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
The span macros also take a string literal after the level, to set the name of the span.
Recording Fields
Structured fields on spans and events are specified using the syntax
field_name = field_value
. Fields are separated by commas.
// records an event with two fields: // - "answer", with the value 42 // - "question", with the value "life, the universe and everything" event!(Level::INFO, answer = 42, question = "life, the universe, and everything");
As shorthand, local variables may be used as field values without an assignment, similar to struct initializers. For example:
let user = "ferris"; span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user); // is equivalent to: span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user = user);
Field names can include dots, but should not be terminated by them:
let user = "ferris"; let email = "ferris@rust-lang.org"; span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user, user.email = email);
Since field names can include dots, fields on local structs can be used using the local variable shorthand:
let user = User { name: "ferris", email: "ferris@rust-lang.org", }; // the span will have the fields `user.name = "ferris"` and // `user.email = "ferris@rust-lang.org"`. span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user.name, user.email);
The ?
sigil is shorthand that specifies a field should be recorded using
its fmt::Debug
#[derive(Debug)] struct MyStruct { field: &'static str, } let my_struct = MyStruct { field: "Hello world!" }; // `my_struct` will be recorded using its `fmt::Debug` implementation. event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = ?my_struct); // is equivalent to: event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = tracing::field::debug(&my_struct));
The %
sigil operates similarly, but indicates that the value should be
recorded using its fmt::Display
// `my_struct.field` will be recorded using its `fmt::Display` implementation. event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = %my_struct.field); // is equivalent to: event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = tracing::field::display(&my_struct.field));
The %
and ?
sigils may also be used with local variable shorthand:
// `my_struct.field` will be recorded using its `fmt::Display` implementation. event!(Level::TRACE, %my_struct.field);
Additionally, a span may declare fields with the special value Empty
which indicates that that the value for that field does not currently exist
but may be recorded later. For example:
use tracing::{trace_span, field}; // Create a span with two fields: `greeting`, with the value "hello world", and // `parting`, without a value. let span = trace_span!("my_span", greeting = "hello world", parting = field::Empty); // ... // Now, record a value for parting as well. span.record("parting", &"goodbye world!");
Note that a span may have up to 32 fields. The following will not compile:
let bad_span = span!( Level::TRACE, "too many fields!", a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8, i = 9, j = 10, k = 11, l = 12, m = 13, n = 14, o = 15, p = 16, q = 17, r = 18, s = 19, t = 20, u = 21, v = 22, w = 23, x = 24, y = 25, z = 26, aa = 27, bb = 28, cc = 29, dd = 30, ee = 31, ff = 32, gg = 33 );
Finally, events may also include human-readable messages, in the form of a
format string and (optional) arguments, after the event's
key-value fields. If a format string and arguments are provided,
they will implicitly create a new field named message
whose value is the
provided set of format arguments.
For example:
let question = "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything"; let answer = 42; // records an event with the following fields: // - `question.answer` with the value 42, // - `question.tricky` with the value `true`, // - "message", with the value "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the // universe, and everything is 42." event!( Level::DEBUG, question.answer = answer, question.tricky = true, "the answer to {} is {}.", question, answer );
Specifying a formatted message in this manner does not allocate by default.
Shorthand Macros
also offers a number of macros with preset verbosity levels.
The trace!
, debug!
, info!
, warn!
, and error!
similarly to the event!
macro, but with the Level
argument already
specified, while the corresponding trace_span!
, debug_span!
, warn_span!
, and error_span!
macros are the same,
but for the span!
These are intended both as a shorthand, and for compatibility with the log
crate (see the next section).
For log
Users of the log
crate should note that tracing
exposes a set of
macros for creating Event
s (trace!
, debug!
, info!
, warn!
, and
) which may be invoked with the same syntax as the similarly-named
macros from the log
crate. Often, the process of converting a project to
use tracing
can begin with a simple drop-in replacement.
Let's consider the log
crate's yak-shaving example:
use std::{error::Error, io}; use tracing::{debug, error, info, span, warn, Level}; // the `#[tracing::instrument]` attribute creates and enters a span // every time the instrumented function is called. The span is named after the // the function or method. Paramaters passed to the function are recorded as fields. #[tracing::instrument] pub fn shave(yak: usize) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + 'static>> { // this creates an event at the DEBUG level with two fields: // - `excitement`, with the key "excitement" and the value "yay!" // - `message`, with the key "message" and the value "hello! I'm gonna shave a yak." // // unlike other fields, `message`'s shorthand initialization is just the string itself. debug!(excitement = "yay!", "hello! I'm gonna shave a yak."); if yak == 3 { warn!("could not locate yak!"); // note that this is intended to demonstrate `tracing`'s features, not idiomatic // error handling! in a library or application, you should consider returning // a dedicated `YakError`. libraries like snafu or thiserror make this easy. return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "shaving yak failed!").into()); } else { debug!("yak shaved successfully"); } Ok(()) } pub fn shave_all(yaks: usize) -> usize { // Constructs a new span named "shaving_yaks" at the TRACE level, // and a field whose key is "yaks". This is equivalent to writing: // // let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "shaving_yaks", yaks = yaks); // // local variables (`yaks`) can be used as field values // without an assignment, similar to struct initializers. let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "shaving_yaks", yaks); let _enter = span.enter(); info!("shaving yaks"); let mut yaks_shaved = 0; for yak in 1..=yaks { let res = shave(yak); debug!(yak, shaved = res.is_ok()); if let Err(ref error) = res { // Like spans, events can also use the field initialization shorthand. // In this instance, `yak` is the field being initalized. error!(yak, error = error.as_ref(), "failed to shave yak!"); } else { yaks_shaved += 1; } debug!(yaks_shaved); } yaks_shaved }
In libraries
Libraries should link only to the tracing
crate, and use the provided
macros to record whatever information will be useful to downstream
In executables
In order to record trace events, executables have to use a Subscriber
implementation compatible with tracing
. A Subscriber
implements a
way of collecting trace data, such as by logging it to standard output.
This library does not contain any Subscriber
implementations; these are
provided by other crates.
The simplest way to use a subscriber is to call the set_global_default
extern crate tracing; let my_subscriber = FooSubscriber::new(); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(my_subscriber) .expect("setting tracing default failed");
Note: Libraries should NOT call set_global_default()
! That will
cause conflicts when executables try to set the default later.
This subscriber will be used as the default in all threads for the
remainder of the duration of the program, similar to setting the logger
in the log
In addition, the default subscriber can be set through using the
function. This follows the tokio
pattern of using
closures to represent executing code in a context that is exited at the end
of the closure. For example:
let my_subscriber = FooSubscriber::new(); tracing::subscriber::with_default(my_subscriber, || { // Any trace events generated in this closure or by functions it calls // will be collected by `my_subscriber`. })
This approach allows trace data to be collected by multiple subscribers within different contexts in the program. Note that the override only applies to the currently executing thread; other threads will not see the change from with_default.
Any trace events generated outside the context of a subscriber will not be collected.
Once a subscriber has been set, instrumentation points may be added to the
executable using the tracing
crate's macros.
Related Crates
In addition to tracing
and tracing-core
, the tokio-rs/tracing
contains several additional crates designed to be used with the tracing
This includes a collection of Subscriber
implementations, as well as utility
and adapter crates to assist in writing Subscriber
s and instrumenting
In particular, the following crates are likely to be of interest:
provides a compatibility layer with thefutures
crate, allowing spans to be attached toFuture
s, andExecutor
implementations and utilities for working withSubscriber
s. This includes aFmtSubscriber
for logging formatted trace data to stdout, with similar filtering and formatting to theenv_logger
provides a compatibility layer with thelog
crate, allowing log messages to be recorded astracing
s within the trace tree. This is useful when a project usingtracing
have dependencies which uselog
. Note that if you're usingtracing-subscriber
, you don't need to depend ontracing-log
Additionally, there are also several third-party crates which are not
maintained by the tokio
project. These include:
implements inter-event timing metrics on top oftracing
. It provides a subscriber that records the time elapsed between pairs oftracing
events and generates histograms.tracing-opentelemetry
provides a subscriber for emitting traces to OpenTelemetry-compatible distributed tracing systems.tracing-honeycomb
implements a subscriber for reporting traces to honeycomb.io.tracing-actix
integration for theactix
actor framework.tracing-gelf
implements a subscriber for exporting traces in Greylog GELF format.tracing-coz
provides integration with the coz causal profiler (Linux-only).
If you're the maintainer of a tracing
ecosystem crate not listed above,
please let us know! We'd love to add your project to the list!
Note: that some of the ecosystem crates are currently unreleased and
undergoing active development. They may be less stable than tracing
Crate Feature Flags
The following crate feature flags are available:
A set of features controlling the static verbosity level.
: causes trace instrumentation points to emitlog
records as well as trace events, if a defaulttracing
subscriber has not been set. This is intended for use in libraries whose users may be using eithertracing
. Note:log
support will not work whentracing
is renamed inCargo.toml
, due to oddities in macro expansion. -
: Emitlog
records from alltracing
spans and events, even atracing
subscriber has been set. This should be set only by applications which intend to collect traces and logs separately; if an adapter is used to convertlog
records intotracing
events, this will cause duplicate events to occur. -
: Includes support for the#[instrument]
attribute. This is on by default, but does bring in thesyn
crate as a dependency, which may add to the compile time of crates that do not already use it. -
: Depend on the Rust standard library (enabled by default).no_std
users may disable this feature withdefault-features = false
:[dependencies] tracing = { version = "0.1.13", default-features = false }
Compiler support: requires rustc 1.39+
support requiresliballoc
dispatcher | Dispatches trace events to |
event | Events represent single points in time during the execution of a program. |
field | Structured data associated with |
level_filters | Trace verbosity level filtering. |
span | Spans represent periods of time in which a program was executing in a particular context. |
subscriber | Collects and records trace data. |
debug | Constructs an event at the debug level. |
debug_span | Constructs a span at the debug level. |
error | Constructs an event at the error level. |
error_span | Constructs a span at the error level. |
event | Constructs a new |
info | Constructs an event at the info level. |
info_span | Constructs a span at the info level. |
span | Constructs a new span. |
trace | Constructs an event at the trace level. |
trace_span | Constructs a span at the trace level. |
warn | Constructs an event at the warn level. |
warn_span | Constructs a span at the warn level. |
Dispatch |
Event |
Level | Describes the level of verbosity of a span or event. |
Metadata | |
Span | A handle representing a span, with the capability to enter the span if it exists. |
Subscriber | Trait representing the functions required to collect trace data. |
Value | A field value of an erased type. |
Attribute Macros
instrument | Instruments a function to create and enter a |